Thursday, 31 May 2012

Ai-chan and IU both love peaches!

Yeah, it seems that recently I'm more into K-pop than into J-pop and it's all because of the fact that Koreans still manage to gain my interest and Japanese just can't do it anymore... I blame it on Ai, because one song in a looong time is to little for my Ai-chan starved heart :P

Ms. Otsuka Ai - please come back with a proper single, an album and a whole lot of things, because J-pop has become so boring without you!~~

Haha, I know that she's coming back with LOVE is BORN, but September seems to be so far away... I'm ranting, because I simply can't wait! But enough of that - this post was meant to be about something else in the first place :D

If you like K-pop, you probably know a singer IU. Have you noticed that her photoshoot for her single "Peach" is somewhat similar to Ai-chan's photos for "PEACH / HEART"? Both singers have this delicate, girly attire with innocent look and petite figures, long dark hair and loose clothes. Even the titles of the singles are exactly the same.

I think that it's either coincidence or IU's stylist / photographer / herself drew their inspiration from our beloved AiO ;) But this is only my personal opinion :) What about yours? Do you love Ai-chan and IU just like me? You can express yourself in the comments.


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