Saturday 8 September 2012

LOVE is BORN 9th Anniversary 2012 - the setlist!

The setlist of today's LOVE is BORN concert in Tokyo is already known! The list is as follows:

1. ヒカリ - Hikari
2. さくらんぼ - Sakuranbo
3. フレンジャー - Frienger
4. pretty voice
5. チケット - Ticket
6. ごめんね。- Gomen ne
7. One×Time
8. ユメクイ - Yumekui
9. クムリウタ⇒桃ノ花ビラ - Kumuriuta, Momo no Hanabira
10. プラネタリウム - Planetarium
11. Is
12. アクション10.5 - Action 10.5
14. ポンポン - Pon Pon
15. ロケットスニーカー - Rocket Sneaker
16. 未来タクシー - Mirai Taxi
17. 向日葵 - Himawari

18. Birthday Song
20. バイバイ - Bye Bye

Ai Otsuka sang her classic songs such as "Sakuranbo", "CHU-LIP", "Planetarium" or "Birthday Song", but she concentrated also on her newer compositions from her last studio album "LOVE LETTER", as well as the most recent singles ("LUCKY STAR", "Action 10.5") and songs which had never been performed before ("Hikari" and "Gomen ne").

When it comes to my guessing game, it seems I guessed correctly only 5 songs :D It's only because Ai-chan loves surprising her fans and her shows always are unpredictable to some extent :D

Stay tuned for upcoming updates!


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