It's not all :) Do you remember the auction seller from whom I bought 'Love Jam' and 'Love Cook'? She had 'Love Punch' for sale too, so I didn't hesitate any moment. I will upload HQ scans of the booklet, since I have it and, as I wrote, the content is lovely. Btw, I didn't see anywhere scans of the pages with Ai playing vegetable-ball on the net. The assumption is that someone has to do it ;) If you are eager to see it, stay with me and wait - as soon as I get a scanner, the images will be posted in the Gallery (at last there will be something).
During these holidays, I decided to brush up my Japanese a little bit, since I haven't been studying it for a long time. I must admit that I made a nice progress :) Now I know how to conjugate verbs (-masu, -tai forms), how to deal with i- and na-adjectives, moreover, I learned some vocabulary and I trained myself in writing. It was hard work, but very pleasant and motivating. Now I want to discover more and more about Japanese! Despite the difficult nature of this language and the fact that I rely only on myself and books, I am determined to learn as much as I can. It's a sweet escape from English which is the language that I'm studying (7 hours a day might be nasty, regardless of how much you like it). Besides, it's the native language of our cute Ai-chin :) Her lyrics are my favourite training texts. And listening how she speaks/sings in this beautiful language is perfect music for my heart.
OK, now stop boasting how fine you are now, Skywalker :P I hope you are as happy as I am :) I wish! The only thing that could improve my mood from 99% to 100% is spring... I hate winter, snow and cold. I really wish I could feel so hot in sweater, like Ai on today's pic... Even in my thickest sweater I feel only chill. ;)
May the Love be with you and see me soon!
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